How to contribute

To build and use the plugin locally in a project, apply changes etc., follow the instructions below.

Clone the repository

Then run the following commands:

cd docusaurus-terminology
yarn install
yarn bootstrap
yarn build

After running those commands, all packages will be initialized and built, and you are ready for development.

In the directory website, there is a docusaurus project, ready with the plugin initialized, which can be used for testing purposes. There are already some markdown files and terms, but new files can be added for further testing.

After making changes in the packages, you should always build the packages and then test them with the local website directory. So first you need to run:

yarn build

from the root directory of the repository. And then we are ready to test everything in the local docusaurus project, so we run the following commands:

cd website
yarn docusaurus parse
yarn docusaurus glossary

When we are ready to do a test build to see if our website compiles successfully, we can use the following command:

cd website
yarn build

And this will output our compiled website in a directory called build. You can use a package named serve to create instantly a nodejs webserver to serve these files (as used in the dockerfile). You can run the following:

yarn global add serve
cd build
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